QR Code Library
Library for generating QR Code images that can be used from JavaScript controllers in XP apps.

To start using this library, add the following into your build.gradle
dependencies {
include "com.enonic.lib:lib-qrcode:2.0.0"
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
To use this library in your JavaScript code, it first needs to be required:
var qrcode = require('/lib/qrcode');
To generate an image with a QR Code just call the generateQrCode
function with the desired parameters.
var qrcode = require('/lib/qrcode');
exports.get = function (req) {
var image = qrcode.generateQrCode({ (1)
text: 'https://enonic.com', (2)
size: 250 (3)
return {
body: image, (4)
contentType: 'image/png' (5)
1 | Generate the QR Code. The result will be a stream object with the generated PNG image. |
2 | Pass the text or URL to be encoded. |
3 | Optionally specify the size of the square image, in pixels. |
4 | Return the image as the body of the HTTP response. |
5 | Set the content type of the response to PNG. |
The following function is defined in this library.
Generates a PNG image with a QR Code that encodes the specified text. The value returned is a stream object. It can be set as the response of an HTTP request, stored in a node or content, or manipulated using the lib-io.
The request function takes a parameter object with options. The text
option is required.
(object) Parameters to generate the QR Code.-
(string) The text or URL to be encoded in the QR code. -
(number) The width and height of the square image generated. The default value is250
The function will return a stream
binary object containing a PNG image.
This library requires Enonic XP release 6.11.0 or higher.