Introduction to Enonic
Quick hands-on intro to Enonic for developers!
No signup required.
Create, build and deploy Enonic apps from the command line.
Get Enonic CLI from your favorite package manager below.
On any device with npm installed, run:
npm install -g @enonic/cli
Not familiar with Node.js & npm? Learn how to install them here.
MacOS users can install from the Terminal using Brew:
brew tap enonic/cli
brew install enonic
Not yet familiar with the MacOS package manager Homebrew?
Get it from
...or manually download the CLI executable for MacOS
Windows users may manually download the CLI executable
...or install and update using Scoop.
Open Powershell and run the following command:
scoop bucket add enonic
scoop install enonic
Not yet familiar with Scoop, the command line installer for Windows?
Get it from
Linux users, open your Shell and run the following command:
wget -qO- | sh
..optionally, use Snapcraft:
sudo snap install enonic
NOTE: Developers report build problems with the Snapcraft distro due to strict security policies, use the binary distro above if you experience such problems.
Complete the tutorial below to build your first app and get familiar with Enonic.
Now that you know the basics, check out the following tutorials or visit the documentation.
Detailed overview of Enonic XP's content model and API
Building websites with Next.js + Enonic XP
Building react websites using the Enonic framework
Using Enonic in mission critical deployments?
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