Development commands


By projects, we generally refer to the set of code and configuration required to build applications or libraries for XP. There are two main commands available to assist developers with setting up and managing projects:


Projects are commonly hosted in a Git repo and need to follow a set of principles to work with Enonic XP. Each project is associated with a sandbox to which it will be deployed.

All project commands should be run from the project root folder.

Command list is available by running following command:

$ enonic project

Manage XP development projects

   Enonic CLI project command [command options] [arguments...]

     create             Create new project
     sandbox, sbox, sb  Set the default sandbox associated with the current project
     clean              Clean current project
     build              Build current project
     deploy             Deploy current project to a sandbox
     install, i         Build current project and install it to Enonic XP
     shell              Creates a new shell with project environment variables
     env                Exports project environment variables as string to be used in any third-party shell
     gradle             Run arbitrary gradle task in current project

   --help, -h  show help


Navigate to the folder you wish to place your project in and run the following command:

$ enonic project create [name] [-n <value>] [-b <value>] [-c <value>] [-d <value>] [-r <value>] [-v <value>]

Follow wizard instructions that will set everything up for you.


Option Description


project name. E.g. com.example.myapp. Can also be specified using --name flag

-n, --name

project name. Overrides [name] argument if specified

-r, --repo,

repository path of the starter to base the project on. Format: <enonic repo> or <organisation>/<repo> on github or <full repo url>

-b, --branch

repository branch to use. master is used if none specified

-c, --checkout

commit hash to use (mutually exclusive with branch option, used if both are present)

-d, --dest,

destination folder name. Defaults to last word of the project name, i.e. myapp

-v, --ver, --version

version number to assign to new project. Default value 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

name, repository, destination and version params are sufficient to create a project without a wizard allowing it to be used in script files.
Example creating 'myProject' project in 'myFolder' folder from vanilla starter and setting '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT' version:
$ enonic project create myProject -d myFolder -r starter-vanilla -v 1.0.0-SHAPSHOT
Same example but providing name as a flag:
$ enonic project create -n myProject -d myFolder -r starter-vanilla -v 1.0.0-SHAPSHOT


Project create will configure the default sandbox for your project. To change it later run this command inside the project folder:

$ enonic project sandbox [name]


Option Description


sandbox name

If name is not provided or does not exist, you will be asked for it.
Example setting 'myOtherBox' as default sandbox for current project:
$ enonic project sandbox myOtherBox


You can build your project by running following command inside the project folder:

$ enonic project build

The build command helps you with:

  • Compiling code

  • Running tests

  • Creating artifacts (executables)

The build system is based on Gradle and the XP Gradle plugin.

The "project build" command is an alias for the Gradle Wrapper, which must be located in your project through a file called .gradlew (linux/mac) or gradlew.bat (windows). The Gradle Wrapper is by default available with all Starter Kits on Enonic Market.

You may also use the Gradle Wrapper directly by running ./gradlew build (linux/mac) or gradlew build (windows) from your projects directory.


Alias for the gradlew clean command

$ enonic project clean


As developers, we continuously need to deploy and test our code. Following command will build current project and deploy it to associated sandbox:

$ enonic project deploy [name]


Option Description


Start enonic XP distribution in development mode


Run enonic XP server with debug enabled on port 5005

-c, --continuous

Watch changes and deploy project continuously


sandbox name to deploy to (overrides associated sandbox)

If the sandbox is already running, --dev parameter will be ignored. In this case you’ll have to make sure the sandbox is running in dev mode.
If sandbox name is provided, it overrides the sandbox associated with the project for this time only.
Example deploying current project to 'otherSandbox' sandbox, starting XP in dev mode and continuously watching changes:
$ enonic project deploy otherSandbox --dev -c


In case you want to run arbitrary gradle task or group multiple ones in one command you can use following command:

$ enonic project gradle [tasks / flags ...]

The text after gradle is sent directly to gradlew, without modifications.


Option Description


a space delimited list of gradle tasks and flags to invoke

The difference between enonic project gradle clean build deploy and gradlew clean build deploy is that the former uses sandbox and enonic XP distribution configured for the project, while latter uses system wide settings.
Example running gradle clean build deploy:
$ enonic project gradle clean build deploy


To install current project to running enonic instance

$ enonic project install
Enonic XP instance must be running when executing this command !

Install command does 2 things:

  • Builds the project

  • Installs built project to a running enonic XP instance using XP API


Option Description

-a, --auth

Authentication token for basic authentication in the following format <user:password>

if auth param is missing and there is no valid session CLI will look for ENONIC_CLI_REMOTE_USER and ENONIC_CLI_REMOTE_PASS environment variables. See configuration section.


This is an advanced command to export project JAVA_HOME and XP_HOME variables to a new shell. Following command starts a new shell bound to project sandbox and enonic XP distribution

$ enonic project shell
Run quit command to exit enonic shell. Parent shell environment is not modified.


This command is currently not available on Windows.

If you are an expert user loving your shell you can export project JAVA_HOME and XP_HOME environment variables as strings to be used there

$ eval $(enonic project env)
Unlike enonic project shell command, this one will modify your current shell environment varialbes. Shell restart is needed to undo the changes.


Developers may use the CLI to run different instances of XP locally. These instances are called sandboxes. Each sandbox will be associated with a specific distribution (version) of Enonic XP and will have its own Enonic XP home folder.

The CLI automates setting up, starting, stopping and upgrading sandboxes. Sandbox commands list is available by running following command:

$ enonic sandbox

Manage XP development instances

   Enonic CLI sandbox command [command options] [arguments...]

     list, ls         List all sandboxes
     start            Start the sandbox.
     stop             Stop the sandbox started in detached mode.
     create           Create a new sandbox.
     delete, del, rm  Delete a sandbox
     upgrade, up      Upgrades the distribution version.

   --help, -h  show help


Starts a new sandbox wizard asking for a name and an enonic distribution version:

$ enonic sandbox create [name] [-v <value>] [-a]


Option Description


sandbox name

-v, --version

Use specific distro version

-a, --all

List all distro versions

If all params are present and correct, sandbox is created immediately without wizard allowing usage in script files.
Example creating a 'myBox' sandbox using Enonic XP version 7.2.1
$ enonic sandbox create myBox -v 7.2.1


Lists all sandboxes previously created by user:

$ enonic sandbox list
Example output:
$ enonic sandbox ls

* Sandbox1 ( windows-sdk-7.2.1 )
  Sandbox2 ( windows-sdk-7.2.0 )
  Sandbox3 ( windows-sdk-7.0.3 )
  Sandbox4 ( windows-sdk-7.2.1 )
Asterisk marks currently running sandbox


Starts a sandbox and ensures that only one is started at a time:

$ enonic sandbox start [name] [-d]


Option Description


sandbox name


Run enonic XP distribution in development mode


Run enonic XP server with debug enabled on port 5005

-d, --detach

flag to start sandbox in detached mode (background process)


Set to the http port used by Enonic XP to check availability on startup (default: 8080)

Example starting 'myBox' sandbox in a dev mode:
$ enonic sandbox start myBox --dev


Stops a running sandbox:

$ enonic sandbox stop
only sandboxes started with CLI can be stopped using this command.
Example stopping sandbox:
$ enonic sandbox stop


Upgrades enonic distribution used for a sandbox:

$ enonic sandbox upgrade [name] [-v <value>]


Option Description


sandbox name

-v, --version

enonic distribution version

Downgrades are not permitted.
Example upgrading enonic distribution for 'myBox' sandbox to 'windows-sdk-7.2.1':
$ enonic sandbox upgrade myBox -v 7.2.1


Deletes a sandbox:

$ enonic sandbox delete [name] [-f]


Option Description


sandbox name

-f, --force

assume “Yes” as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively

All data that may have been created in this sandbox will be deleted.
Example deleting 'myBox' sandbox:
$ enonic sandbox delete myBox -f



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