HTML Editor processing


v v 5.0.0 5.0.0 The default Guillotine HTML editor type provides processing of macros and image source URLs in the processedHtml field of the RichText GraphQL object type. But you might want to have custom processing of macros and images, for that you can use macrosAsJson, macros and images fields of the RichText.



Each macro will be translated to an editor-macro tag with data-macro-ref and data-macro-name attributes in the processedHtml field value. Using these references you will be able to find details of a specific macro in the macrosAsJson or macros fields and perform custom macro processing if needed.

Guillotine processes macros which have a descriptor and built-in macros called disable and embed, otherwise processing will be skipped. More details about macros here.

For instance, we have an input form item called description of HtmlArea type which contains the embed macro as shown below:

Embed Macro

The query below will fetch data for the description field:

query {
  guillotine {
    get(key: "contentID") {
      ... on com_app_example_ContentType {
        data {
          description {
            raw            // (1)
            processedHtml  // (2)
            macrosAsJson   // (3)
            macros {       // (4)
              config {
                embed {
1 Non-processed value of the description field
2 Processed value of the description field
3 Array of processed macros in JSON format. The order of macros will be the same as in the raw and processedHtml fields.
4 Macro allows to specify necessary fields. That field is an alternative for macroAsJson field

Results of the query:

Response for embed macro

If you use a custom macro it is recommended to use a macro descriptor in the /site/macros/ directory. For instance, for a macro with name testmacro the descriptor will be placed by the following path /site/macros/testmacro/testmacro.xml

  <display-name>Current user</display-name>
  <description>Shows currently logged user</description>
    <input name="defaultText" type="TextLine">
      <label>Text to show if no user logged in</label>

Custom Macro

The query below will fetch data for the description field:

query {
  guillotine {
    get(key: "contentID") {
      ... on com_app_example_ContentType {
        data {
          description {
            macros {
              config {
                testmacro {


Starting from v v 5.0.0 5.0.0 Guillotine by default provides image processing in the processedHtml field of the RichText GraphQL object type. All internal links to resources will be replaced by server or absolute link and for each img tag will be added the data-image-ref. Using that reference you will be able to find a image details in the images field and to do a custom image processing if needed.

For instance, the processed value of an image looks like as below:

<figure class="editor-align-justify">
    <img alt="Alt text"
         data-image-ref="4f2439ff-ecef-4470-a4b4-d8929bce6ee2" />
    <figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>

The query below will process images inside the field:

query {
  guillotine {
    get(key: "contentID") {
      ... on com_app_example_ContentType {
        data {
          htmlAreaField {
            images {
              ref                           (1)
              image {                       (2)
                ... imageFragment
              style {                       (3)

fragment imageFragment on Content {
  ... on media_Image {
    data {
  ... on media_Vector {
    data {
1 Reference to image in the processedHtml field
2 Image as Content type
3 Image style as ImageStyle type

Using the processHtml argument which has ProcessHtmlInput type for a form item of type HtmlArea or for TextComponent field you can specify imageWidths to generate relevant links for specific widths of an image. In this case srcset attribute will be added to img tags.

For instance, when using the following fragment of query:

htmlAreaField(processHtml: { imageWidths: [600, 992] }){
    images {

The result will look as follows:

<figure class="editor-align-justify">
    <img alt="Alt text"
         srcset="/site/repo/branch/appName/_/image/contentID/width-600/imageName.jpg 600w,
                 /site/repo/branch/appName/_/image/contentID/width-992/imageName.jpg 992w"/>
    <figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>

