Set up Enonic


In this chapter, you will launch an Enonic instance that contains a dataset your React application is going to use.

You can choose between two options:

Alternative 1 - Free Cloud instance

Follow these steps to get your Cloud service up and running:

  1. Sign up to Enonic’s Free Plan account, and verify your e-mail

  2. Log in, and create your account

  3. Create a solution

    Choose the template called Headless demo, then Free plan, give it a suitable name, and complete the setup.

  4. Once the solution has started, click the Headless API ingress link, this will launch Query Playground in your browser.


Continue in the Test API section.

Alternative 2 - Enonic SDK

Follow the instructions below to launch a local developer instance of Enonic:

  1. If you haven’t installed Enonic CLI already, start by running the following command:

    npm install -g @enonic/cli
    More installation methods along with CLI documentation can be found here
  2. Create sandbox

    Create a new sandbox (a developer instance of Enonic XP) by running the following command:

    enonic sandbox create react_tutorial -t intro -f

    This will create a sandbox named react-tutorial using latest Enonic XP distribution and start it.

    The -t intro flag tells the CLI to provision a set of standard Enonic apps, including sample content you will use later in this tutorial.

    You are now ready to test that the API is working:

  3. Open Query Playground by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/site/intro and continue below.

Test the API

If you followed the instructions above, you should now see the Query Playground in your browser.

query playground

Paste and run the query below:

query PersonListQuery {
    guillotine {
            first: 3
            query: {
                term: {
                    field: "type",
                    value: {
                        string: ""
            sort: {
                field: "modifiedTime",
                direction: DESC
        ) {

This should produce a result looking something like this:

  "data": {
    "guillotine": {
      "queryDsl": [
          "_id": "a8b374a2-c532-45eb-9aa1-73d1c37cd681",
          "_name": "lea-seydoux",
          "displayName": "Léa Seydoux",
          "type": ""
          "_id": "569d127d-b6bd-45d6-94b0-949ec6171336",
          "_name": "jeffrey-wright",
          "displayName": "Jeffrey Wright",
          "type": ""
          "_id": "f29ba9b7-a73a-4767-82db-9da4df952924",
          "_name": "daniel-craig",
          "displayName": "Daniel Craig",
          "type": ""

Next step

In the next chapter you will create a React application which will fetch data from the Enonic sandbox we’ve just created, using GraphQL queries.



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