Introduction to Enonic
Quick hands-on intro to Enonic for developers!
Define rich and structured content models using the schema system
Available input types for content schemas
DocumentationCreate your content model with custom content types
DocumentationCreate schema sub-types by grouping fields
DocumentationCombine different itemSets in various ways
DocumentationReuse form definition across multiple schemas
DocumentationDynamically extend content types with additional fields using horizontal inheritance
DocumentationEnonic ships with standard types for images and other file types
DetailsLocalize schemas for your content editors
DocumentationSchemas and features optimized for building websites and landing pages
Create component-based views and landing pages
The page editorConfgurable components to be used across pages
DocumentationStructurally organize components within your page
DocumentationLet editors control the presentation of your content types
Example usageReuse compositions across multiple pages
DocumentationLogically organize your content as a tree-structure within a site
DocumentationJuke AI