Input types


Input types are the essense of any schema. Their purpose is to enable editing, validation and persistence of data aka content.

Input types have both a front-end and back-end component. The front-end represents the visual editing interface used in the XP admin console, where the back-end is solely used for validation purposes.

An input type produces a single property as output, with zero, 1 or multiple values. This also includes propertySet, which is simply a root node containing multiple properties.

An input box with help-text below it

The following configuration is common for all input types:

<input type="InputTypeName" name="myname" >  (1)
  <label i18n="myname.label">My label</label>  (2)
  <default/>  (3)
  <help-text i18n="">Help text here</help-text>   (4)
  <occurrences minimum="0" maximum="1"/>   (5)
  <config/>  (6)
1 input contains two mandatory attributes:
@name is used when storing the data in a property, and must be unique on each level.
@type refers to one of the many input types which are listed below.
2 label is another mandatory field that holds the human readable value that will be displayed when listing the input type control in the administrative interface
@i18n is an optional attribute holding the key to localization phrase of the form (see localization).
3 default is an optional field that lets you specify default values to be used by the input type.
4 help-text is an optional field that lets you specify a text label shown below the input field. Used for explanation of the field’s purpose.
@i18n is an optional attribute holding the key to localization phrase of the form (see localization).
5 occurrences is an optional field used to control the number of values stored by a single input.
@minimum set to to zero means the input is not mandatory
@maximum to zero means there is no upper limit to the number of values.
This element is optional, if omitted the default will be minimum="0" and maximum="1".
6 config is an optional element designed to hold custom configuration for each input-type.

