

Templates engines may be used to simplify output generation from controllers.


Enonic XP does ship with a standard templating engine, but supports use of 3rd party engines. In this section we give examples of how you may use templating engines with your controllers.

A range of integrated templating engines are available as libraries on Enonic Market.

React / JSX

Enonic offers a solution for server-side rendering with JSX React templates. Details are available in a separate tutorial called React4XP.


Here we will demonstrate templating using the Thymeleaf templating engine. Thymeleaf is available as an Enonic library.

For a more extensive tutorial using Thymeleaf, visit the My first site tutorial

Start by including the library in your app:

dependencies {
   include 'com.enonic.lib:lib-thymeleaf:<version>'
Replace <version> with the version of the library you want to use.

Add a template file to your project:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>My first page, with a view!</h1>
    <h2>Hello <span data-th-text="${name}">World</span></h2>

Your controller must then be updated to use the template:

Example controller using Thymeleaf
var thymeleaf = require('/lib/thymeleaf');

exports.get = function(req) {

  // Resolve the view
  var view = resolve('/view/my-template.html');

  // Define a model
  var model = {
    name: "John Doe"

  // Render a thymeleaf template
  var body = thymeleaf.render(view, model);

  // Return the result
  return {
    body: body,
    contentType: 'text/html'


Unlike some controller files, templates may reside anywhere within the src/main/resources structure of your project.

If the view file is in the same folder as your controller, it can be resolved with only the file name resolve('my-template.html'). Otherwise, the full or relative path should be used.

