HTTP filters
HTTP filters enable pipelined processing of http requests.
You may wire a a filter into the Site engine’s execution pipeline via a Site mapping. |
Filters enable you to step into the request pipeline, and execute code at both request and response of the execution pipeline, possibly intercepting the request directly. Similar to an HTTP Controller, standalone filters are triggered based on an export.
As such, to make a filter, it must export a filter
Minimal filter timing the subsequent request
exports.filter = function (req, next) {
var before = new Date().getTime();
var response = next(req); // next(req) hands over the request to the engine pipeline and returns the response
var after = new Date().getTime(); - before) + 'ms');
return response;
Filter manipulating the request
exports.filter = function (req, next) {
req.requestLogging = true; // Manipulate request"Request:" + JSON.stringify(req, null, 2));
var response = next(req); // Continue request pipeline
response.responseLogging = true; // Manipulate response"Response:" + JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
return response;
Filter intercepting the request
exports.filter = function (req, next) {
if (req.getHeader('X-Auth-Token') !== 'letMeIn') {
// intercept request pipeline
return {
status: 403
req.headers['Authenticated'] = true;
return next(req);
Filter changing request params
exports.filter = function (req, next) {
req.params = {
param1: 'val', // if param1 was not in the original request it will be added, otherwise the original value will be replaced
param2: null, // remove param2 from the original request
param3: [] // another way to remove a parameter
return next(req);