Time input type


Specify time in the format hh:mm. A pop-up box with time selector allows easy editing.


<input name="mytime" type="Time">
  <label>My Time</label>
  <default>13:22</default>  (1)
1 default date value to be used. The format for the default date value can be:
  • Time in 24h format: `hh:mm (e.g. "23:59")

  • Relative time expression (e.g. "+1hour -12minutes")

A relative time expression is a sequence of one or more time offsets. An offset consists of: a plus or minus sign, followed by an integer, followed by a time unit string (e.g. "+3 minutes")

Table 1. Unit strings
Singular Plural initial letter







An offset can also be the string now, which means current date and time.

If <default> value is set for an input, the Time picker will display "Set default" button for setting the default value with one click.


<input name="dateTimeDefaultTz" type="DateTime">
  <label>DateTime (with tz and default value)</label>

<input name="dateTimeDefaultNoTz" type="DateTime">
  <label>DateTime (without tz and default value)</label>

<input name="dateTimeRelative" type="DateTime">
  <label>DateTime (relative default value)</label>
  <default>+1year -12hours</default>

<input name="dateTimeNow" type="DateTime">
  <label>DateTime (current time as default value)</label>

