Clustered deployments


This section describes how to create a clustered XP7 deployment.

Infrastructure requirements

Enonic XP clusters have basic infrastructure requirements, you will at least need:

  • Access to Compute units (VM’s or containers)

  • Local storage (Volumes)

  • A Distributed (or shared) filesystem

  • A Load balancer - to make sure traffic is routed to different nodes

These components are standard ingredients in most cloud services, or available as software components. An XP cluster can be launched using containers (including Kubernetes), traditional VMs, or even be running on your local computer.

Basic cluster

In a cluster, each XP node can serve different purposes. In general, these are:

Master node

Node that helps manage the cluster, and prevent split-brain scenarios

Back-end node

Node that stores data, but does not handle incoming traffic

Front-end node

Node that handles incoming traffic, but does not store data

Combined node

Node that both stores data, and handles incoming traffic

Throughout this guide, we will describe how to setup a basic cluster, but with little more effort you could create any type of cluster. A basic cluster consists of 3 dedicated XP master nodes and 2 XP combined nodes.

Cluster with dedicated master nodes

For more examples on how to deploy XP, check out the various deployment strategies


This guide assumes that you are deploying XP version 7.4 or higher

To deploy a basic cluster, we need a total of 5 nodes for XP. You need to ensure that those servers can communicate on the following ports:

  • 5701 for hazelcast cluster communication

  • 9300 for elasticsearch cluster communication


You will also need access to a shared file system for the servers. Read more about that in the Directories section. If you are using NFS as your shared file system you should also ensure that all XP nodes can communicate to the NFS server (typically on port 2049).

Using NFS introduces a single point of failure to the cluster, but has generally proven highly reliable.

CPU and memory

A combined node running XP should minimum have 4GB of memory and 2vCPU. A general recommendation would be 16GB memory and 4vCPU compute power.

Master nodes can be configured with less memory and capacity as they are generally not processing requests or queries.

Since Elasticsearch is embedded in XP, be sure also to setup virtual memory, file descriptors and swap setting correctly for elasticsearch. Read more about that in the elasticsearch documentation.

XP node setup

Setting up XP in a clustered configuration is pretty straight forward, but there are some things to consider.

Cluster config

There are 3 configuration files that enable cluster setup. Those are:

  • com.enonic.xp.cluster.cfg

  • com.enonic.xp.elasticsearch.cfg

  • com.enonic.xp.hazelcast.cfg

We will set the bare minimum for those files. You can read the Configuration documentation for more details.

We assume that the IP addresses for the nodes are,,, and
# Enable cluster and set node name

# This should be different for every node

# Bind to an IP and publish the same IP to other cluster members

# This should be different for every node

# This should be different for every node

# Discover nodes on a comma separated list of node IPs
# Set cluster name

# Set node type

# This should only be true on the master nodes

# This should only be true on the data (combined) nodes

# Set minimum master nodes to ((number of master nodes) / 2) + 1
# Set minimum hazelcast cluster size to ((number of total nodes) / 2) + 1


Since XP is using elasticsearch for storage, we have to consider that elasticsearch uses off heap memory buffers. For that reason we cannot allocate all available memory to heap. In general you should:

  • Set heap memory to 75% of available memory on dedicated master nodes.

  • Set heap memory to 30% of available memory on other nodes.

  • Never allocate more than 26G of heap.

You should set the heap memory with the XP_OPTS environmental variable. For example, if you want to give XP 512MB of heap you set XP_OPTS to -Xms512M -Xmx512M.


You might want to pass options to the JVM. Our distributions set the JAVA_OPTS variable with defaults for XP to run smoothly. For that reason you should avoid overwriting JAVA_OPTS and instead you should use XP_OPTS to pass your options.


As mentioned above, you need a shared file system to run XP in a cluster. The directories that need to be shared are:


Contains all files managed by XP.


Contains elasticsearch index snapshots.


Contains other data (e.g. system dumps).

You need to mount those specific directories to the shared file system before you start XP.

You should never share $XP_HOME/repo/index and $XP_HOME/work between nodes.
If you decide to change location of $XP_HOME/snapshots from default you must change values of both path.repo in com.enonic.xp.elasticsearch.cfg and snapshots.dir in com.enonic.xp.repo.cfg parameters.

Pre-installed apps

You can pre-install apps in XP by placing the jars of those apps to $XP_HOME/deploy. We recommend placing the snapshotter app there to enable automatic snapshots.

The pre-installed apps can be placed on distinct nodes, but for instance in the case of the snapshotter app, it should simply be placed on all nodes.

Shard replication

Once your cluster has started you will have to set the number of shard replicas you want the data nodes to store. In this case we have 2 data nodes, so we want 2 copies of each shard in the cluster (1 per data node). To do that we should set the number of replicas to 1. Setting that number to 1 means that the cluster will have 1 primary shard, and 1 replica shard, totalling 2 copies. We can do this with the Enonic CLI:


$ enonic repo replicas 1 --auth user:password
Setting replicas number to 1...Done
    "UpdatedIndexes": [

Load balancing

When running XP in a cluster, we generally recommend using sticky sessions. Sticky sessions ensures requests from the same users is always passed to the same node in the cluster. This is due to the following reasons.

  1. When performing write operations to the NoSQL data store, writing to one node, and then reading from another node immediately afterwards might not provide the result one expects - due to the distributed storage.

  2. Any kind of node-local file handling will ONLY work across requests if the request is handled by the same node.

  3. Performance is generally better and more consistent for users

For session-based logins, XP now supports session replication between nodes. This effectively prevents users from loosing their session, even when a node is stopped, but this does not mitigate the problems mentioned above.

Backup and restore

Like described in the Directories section, we have 3 directories that are shared between all the nodes. Of those three, you need to backup two:

  • $XP_HOME/repo/blob

  • $XP_HOME/snapshots

With those 2 directories backed up, you can restore the files and indexes from your backups in case of a disaster.

For more details, check out the Backup and restore section.


Now you should have a good starting point to create clustered deployments. Just remember these bullet points:

  • Do not run nodes on the same physical hardware. That makes the clustered deployment more susceptible to failures.

  • Make sure ports 5701 and 9300 is open between all cluster members.

  • Setup virtual memory, file descriptors and swap setting on servers correctly.

  • Tailor the 3 cluster configuration files to your setup.

  • Set heap memory with the -Xms and -Xmx parameters using the XP_OPTS environmental variable.

  • Avoid overwriting the JAVA_OPTS environmental variable, use XP_OPTS.

  • Take care of how much memory you allocate to heap. Set it to 30% of available RAM on all nodes, except if the node is a dedicated master node. Then you can set it to 75%.

  • Directories $XP_HOME/repo/blob, $XP_HOME/snapshots and $XP_HOME/data should be shared between all nodes.

  • The $XP_HOME/repo/index volume should never be shared between nodes.

  • Pre-install the snapshotter app for automatic snapshots.

  • Set the correct number of replicas after the cluster starts.

  • Backup $XP_HOME/repo/blob and $XP_HOME/snapshots

  • Use sticky sessions in your loadbalancer.


What are the INFO c.h.i.diagnostics.HealthMonitor messages in the log file?

Enonic XP uses Hazelcast for clustering capabilities. Hazelcast HealthMonitor prints metrics logs when certain values (memory usage and system load) exceed 70% threshold. It is an indicator of server/cluster capacity problem, if such logs appear often. Occasional HealthMonitor log messages can be safely ignored.

My master nodes throw OutOfMemoryError even when they have 4GB of memory. What do I do?

Master nodes should be freed form heavy operations as they are on duty to keep cluster state healthy. Yet often great amount of work is put on them with inlined or named tasks run by applications. If heavy tasks must execute on master nodes (i.e. they have isMaster check), try to lower allocated heap from 75% to 50% of available RAM and allocate more total RAM for the master servers.

Starting from XP version 7.6.0 it is possible to free master nodes from running named tasks by setting distributable.acceptInbound = false in Task config.



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