Docker image


This section describes the official Enonic XP docker image as well how to configure and run it.

This applies to docker images for Enonic XP 7.3 and higher. For migration from versions 7.2 and lower read Migrating from old image subsection.

Quick start

If you just want to try out the image, with no data persistence, you can run this command in your terminal.

Running this command requires you to have docker installed.
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 enonic/xp:7.14.4-ubuntu

Image description


The goals of this docker image is to:

  • allow people to deploy Enonic XP easily

  • be able to run on different container orchestration frameworks

  • include the latest security patches for both the JVM and the container OS

  • be as light as possible

  • help with day 2 operations, like backups and JVM debugging

  • follow docker best practices

Base image

Every time the Enonic XP image is built it will be based off the latest enonic/graalvm docker image. This ensures the latest updates to the JVM and OS.

Enforced best practices


The image uses a custom docker entrypoint that is designed to setup file permissions and step down from root user when running Enonic XP.

Builder pattern

During the build process, all tools used for building the final image are dropped to make the image as light as possible.

File permission

The image is designed to run on multiple orchestration frameworks and thus supports easily running Enonic XP as an arbitrary user.

Preinstalled tools

To help with day 2 operations, the image comes with some useful preinstalled tools.

Script to add/remove jars from the Enonic XP deploy folder. An example usage would be add <PUBLIC_URL_TO_JAR>. Description and source here.

Convenient script for pre backup hooks to check the age of index snapshots created by the snapshotter app. Description and source available here.

Easily create JVM heap and thread dump. Description and source available here.


A tiny tool to enable creating thread and heap dumps without the full JDK in the image. Description and source available here.

Persisting data

There are several directories storing various data that, depening on your deployment, should be persisted when containers are recreated.

Important directories

To create a deployment that is stable and easy to back up you should make the following directories persistent.


Configuration files for Enonic XP.


Apps deployed locally in this particluar container/node.


Enonic XP blobstore.


Elasticsearch index.


Index snapshots created by the snapshotter app.

Other directories

These are directories that, depending on your application of Enonic XP and deployment policy, should maybe be persistent.


Various extra data like thread/heap dumps.


Rotating log files from Enonic XP.


Various cached files used by Enonic XP, e.g. resized images.


Heap memory

Since this image uses a modern JVM, it will respect the container memory limits set by the docker daemon. There are some pitfalls though. Elasticsearch uses off-heap buffers, that can lead to the container running out of memory. For that reason, as a general rule, you should:

  • set the heap size to 30% of the available memory to the container

  • if the Enonic XP node is a pure master node, set the heap size to 75% of the available memory to the container

  • set minimum and maximum heap size to the same value

  • never set heap size over 26 GB

Parameters to achive this are described under the Useful XP_OPTS parameters section.

Mounting configuration

The image does contain the standard configuration that comes with all Enonic XP distribution. Depending on how you mount volumes into the container you might override that directory. Consider this command:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/host_config_dir:/enonic-xp/home/config enonic/xp:7.14.4-ubuntu

This will override the standard configuration directory with the host directory that might be empty, hence no configuration will be present for Enonic XP. This is probably not what you want. We recommend when you are mounting your configuration directory to the container, that you base it on the standard configuration directory provided in the docker image. To get a copy of the standard configuration run:

docker create --name=tmp enonic/xp:7.14.4-ubuntu
docker cp tmp:/enonic-xp/home/config config
docker rm tmp

After running these commands you will have the standard configuration copied to your working directory.


The image allows you to supply a custom script. It is sourced just before Enonic XP is started and can be used to setup the environment and run pre-scripts. To enable this, simply mount a script to $XP_HOME/ in the container.

Environmental variables

This subsection lists some useful environmental variables to set while deploying this image.

Variables specific to this image


Set this boolean variable to 1 if you want the container to attempt to take file ownership of $XP_HOME directory during startup. This should not be used in general but is useful when migrating data between systems. It will only attemt this if the container is run as root. This cannot be set with Defaults to 0.


Maximum age of index snapshots in minutes before the script starts failing. This cannot be set with Defaults to 1440 (24 hours).


Although you can overwrite the default JAVA_OPTS it is not recommended. With every distribution the default parameters might be changed to improve performance and by overwriting them, you will not benefit from those changes. Instead we recommend using the environmental variable XP_OPTS to pass in your custom JVM parameters.

Useful XP_OPTS parameters

In this subection we list some XP_OPTS parameters that are useful when running Enonic XP in this image.


Like described in the Heap memory section, you should set the heap memory limits. If your machine has 4GB of memory, and you want to allocate 75% of that to heap memory, do that by adding to XP_OPTS.

-Xms3G -Xmx3G
Heap dumps for OOME

It is useful to make the JVM create a heap dump if the JVM throws an Out Of Memory Exception. Do that by adding to XP_OPTS:

-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/enonic-xp/home/data/oom.hprof
Remote debugging

When tracking down particulary hard bugs, it can be useful to enable remote debugging. Do that by adding to XP_OPTS:

This should never be turned on by default and will make your system vulnerable to attacks.
JVM monitoring

When debugging performance issues, it can be useful to attach a profiler to the JVM. Enable that option by adding to XP_OPTS:

This should never be turned on by default and will make your system vulnerable to attacks. -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=

Exposed ports

The image has 6 exposed ports:

It is important to understand that even though the ports are exposed in the docker image, they will not be accessible unless you publish them with docker.

Enonic XP metrics port


Enonic XP management port


Hazelcast communication port


Enonic XP server port


Elasticsearch API port


Elasticsearch communication port

Useful commands

Create thread dump

docker exec $XP_CONTAINER bash -c 'jattach 1 threaddump > $XP_HOME/data/threaddump.log'

Create heap dump

docker exec $XP_CONTAINER bash -c 'jattach 1 dumpheap $XP_HOME/data/heapdump.hprof'

Verify snapshot age

docker exec $XP_CONTAINER bash -c ''

Full example

I this section we will create a single node deployment with docker-compose.

Running commands this section requires you to have docker and docker-compose installed.


First create a directory called demo. Lets get our base configuration, so inside the demo directory run the command:

docker create --name=tmp enonic/xp:7.14.4-ubuntu
docker cp tmp:/enonic-xp/home/config config
docker rm tmp

Next we want to create a to install the snapshotter. Create a file called inside the demo directory.

# Exit on failure
set -e

echo "Install bootstrap apps"
# Install snapshotter to create index snapshots add

Now we are almost ready. Lastly create a file called docker-compose.yaml inside the demo directory and paste the following into that file.

version: '3'
    image: enonic/xp:7.14.4-ubuntu
    restart: always
      # Assuming this computer has 4 GB of RAM, set JVM heap to 30% of available heap or 1230 MB. Also enable JVM OOME heap dump
      XP_OPTS: -Xms1230M -Xmx1230M -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/enonic-xp/home/data/oom.hprof
      - 8080:8080
      - blobstore:/enonic-xp/home/repo/blob
      - data:/enonic-xp/home/data
      - deploy:/enonic-xp/home/deploy
      - index:/enonic-xp/home/repo/index
      - snapshots:/enonic-xp/home/snapshots
      - ./config:/enonic-xp/home/config
      - ./


Before starting your deployment, you should verify that your demo folder contains:



To start up Enonic XP simply run this command in the demo directory:

docker-compose up -d

Verify deployment

You can verify that everything is fine by looking at the logs. To do that run:

docker-compose logs -f

You can also open up the admin UI at http://localhost:8080/admin/tool.


Now you have created a single node deployment that is easy to configure, backup and replicate.

You could create a git repository and push the demo folder to that repository to version control you deployment. That way if you want to replicate the deployment on another server, simply checkout the git repository on that server and run docker-compose up -d again.

You might be wondering where the data for Enonic XP will be stored. Since we defined volumes for it, it will be persisted where docker stores its volumes. That will vary depending on your operating system but on linux they are located at /var/lib/docker/volumes. You can query docker to figure out where you volumes are stored like so:

$ docker volume ls --filter 'name=demo_*' --format '{{.Name}}:\t{{.Mountpoint}}'
demo_blobstore: /var/lib/docker/volumes/demo_blobstore/_data
demo_data:      /var/lib/docker/volumes/demo_data/_data
demo_deploy:    /var/lib/docker/volumes/demo_deploy/_data
demo_index:     /var/lib/docker/volumes/demo_index/_data
demo_snapshots: /var/lib/docker/volumes/demo_snapshots/_data

To do backups you would simply back up the mountpoints for demo_snapshots and demo_blobstore. It is not as important to back up other directories.

Migrating from old image

This image in general does not introduce any breaking changes for the regular user. There are some differences that can potentially break build pipelines that are based off the old image.

The binary wget is no longer present

The old image contained the wget binary. To keep the image size to a minimum and because curl is already present in the new image, wget is not installed in the new image.

Directory $XP_ROOT/ no longer present

The directory $XP_ROOT/ is now simply called $XP_ROOT/home. If you are modifying that directory in your build steps you will have make the appropriate changes.

Image source code

The source code for the Dockerfile and all related scripts is open source and can be viewed here.



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