Asset service
Starting from
Asset Service is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. lib-asset
and lib-static
are introduced to replace the Asset Service which provide pre-compressed assets, conditional requests support, and more.
Applications commonly need to serve static files such as icons, css and javascript to their clients. XP provides a standard and cache optimized approach to serving assets.
The asset endpoint is located at the root of an application or site’s url space as /_/asset/
The asset endpoint consists of three elements:
Mount point
App identifier with optional fingerprint i.e.
Asset path i.e.
A complete asset URL pattern: <app-root>/_/asset/<app-name><:build-id>/<asset-path>
Asset files
To make an asset available, simply place it in your projects src/main/resources/assets/
folder. Once the application is deployed, it will be publicly available through the asset endpoint.
If a file is placed in your projects src/main/resources/assets/path/to/asset.ext
- the same file will always be available on the contextual url: <webapp-root>/_/asset/<app-name>/path/to/myasset.ext
Cache headers
To optimize the user experience and offload the XP back-end, the asset service supports so-called "perfect caching". By adding a unique hash to the asset url, the asset service will automatically set "infinite cache headers" (cache-control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable
) when serving the asset.
If application assets are changed, a new asset URL can be generated. This effectively prevents stale cache issues, and optimizes performance at the same time.
To safely generate a perfect cache asset URL, use the assetUrl function that is part of the Portal Library