Platform APIs and libraries



Enonic XP provides multiple APIs such as web endpoints and the platform Javascript APIs.

Looking for our Headless CMS GraphQL API? To give it a quick spin, sign up for a Free Plan or visit the Developer quickstart.


The XP Runtime provides access to various Engines and services, including the REST-style Management and Statistics APIs.

JavaScript API

XP ships with a large number of build in JavaScript libraries that can be accessed when developing Enonic apps. These are listed below this page in the documentation menu.

Alternatively browse our JSDocs.

TypeScript definitions


To add types for corresponding library use NPM (or similar package manager) and install them as any other dependency. All types can be found under @enonic-types organisation on NPM.


For example, you have a lib-auth gradle dependency:

dependencies {
  include "com.enonic.xp:lib-auth:${xpVersion}"

To add type definitions for the library, install dependency from NPM:

npm i --save-dev @enonic-types/lib-auth


Along with library types it is higlhy recommended to install definitions for global objects (app, __, log) and functions (resolve, require):

npm i --save-dev @enonic-types/global

Since global types are not placed under the node_modules/@types, it is neccessary to include them manually:


  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [


There are types that are shared between other libraries (like Content or Principal). Such types reside in the core package. It is not necessary to include this dependency into your project, as all libraries export related core types, e.g. Content library exports Content` type. But if you want to use these type directly, you’ll need to install them:

npm i --save-dev @enonic-types/core

and then import them in your TypeScript code:

import type {Content} from '@enonic-types/core';


Content contains the x property that has a very special XpXData type.

XpXData is an interface that is added to the global scope, so it can be modified using the declaration merging. This allows you to set the shape of the XData in your project, simply by declaring the XpXData like this:

declare global {
    interface XpXData {
        'com-mysite-app': {
            metadata: {
                metaTagTitle: string;
                metaTagImageId: string;

Additional types

Content is a complex type that contains unions and maps that are not exported but may be needed during the development. Actually, these types can easily be retrieved from the Content itself:

import type {Content} from '@enonic-types/core';

type Attachments = Content['attachments'];

type ContentInheritType = Content['inherit'];

type Workflow = Content['workflow'];



After global and library types are installed and configured in tsconfig.json, libraries can be imported just like they would be in JS code:

const libAuth = require('/lib/xp/auth');

ES6-style import

If you are planning to use import in your code and transpile it with the default tsc TypeScript compiler, you’ll need to add proper types mapping to your configuration via baseUrl and paths properties in tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
      "/lib/xp/auth": ["node_modules/@enonic-types/lib-auth"],

Then in your code:

import {login, logout, getUser, generatePassword} from '/lib/xp/auth';

Configuring baseUrl and paths will allow the TypeScript compiler to keep the valid paths in the resulting JavaScript files.



To add support for type resolution for custom libraries via require, you can redeclare the XpLibraries interface in global scope, which will lead to declaration merging:

declare global {
    interface XpLibraries {
        '/lib/custom/mylib': typeof import('./mylib');

Other imports

If you want to use custom import functions, like non_webpack_require with Webpack, just use XpRequire from global types for this:

declare const __non_webpack_require__: XpRequire;


To create a new Java bean, the __.newBean() function must be used. Making it return a proper type can be done in two ways. Let’s say, you have created an interface for that bean somewhere in your project:

interface SomeHelper {
  help(text: string): void;

Option 1

You can pass the type argument explicitly. This option is a bit cleaner.

const helper = __.newBean<SomeHelper>('');

Option 2

Or you can map the bean name to bean interface. It may be a preferable way to do it, if the bean is used across multiple files:

declare global {
    interface XpBeans {
        '': SomeHelper;

const helper = __.newBean('');


Java developers or anyone interested in the Platform core may check out our JavaDoc (zipfile download).



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