    1. Widgets
  1. IAM
    1. Virtual apps
    1. Projects
    2. Layers
        1. AttachmentUploader
        2. Checkbox
        3. Combobox
        4. ContentSelector
        5. ContentTypeFilter
        6. CustomSelector
        7. Date
        8. DateTime
        9. Double
        10. GeoPoint
        11. HtmlArea
        12. ImageSelector
        13. Long
        14. MediaSelector
        15. Radiobutton
        16. Tag
        17. TextArea
        18. TextLine
        19. Time
      1. Field set
      2. Item set
      3. Option set
      4. Mixins
      5. Localization
    3. Content Types
    4. X-data
    5. Macros
    6. Custom styles
    7. Sites
      1. Regions
      2. Part component
      3. Layout component
      4. Text component
      5. Fragments
      6. Filtering
      7. Component indexing
      8. Visual editor
    8. Page templates
    1. Sandboxes
    2. Code
    3. Building
    4. Configuration
    1. Globals
    2. HTTP
    3. Controllers
    4. Filters
    5. Events
    6. Websocket
    7. Error handler
    8. ID provider
    9. Tasks
    10. Localization
    11. Mappings
    12. Components
    13. Processors
    14. Contributions
    15. Templating
    16. Main controller
    17. Java bridge
      1. Webapp Engine
        1. Image service
        2. Component service
      2. Admin Engine
      3. Asset service
      4. HTTP service
      5. IDprovider service
    1. Task engine
    2. Management Endpoint
    3. Statistics Endpoint
    1. Nodes and repos
    2. Properties
    3. Indexing
    4. Branches
    5. Queries (NoQL)
    6. Queries (DSL)
    7. Filters
    8. Aggregations
    9. Highlighting
    10. Editors
    1. Strategies
    2. Distributions
    3. Docker image
    4. Vhosts
    5. Configuration
    6. Backup & restore
    7. Systemd
    8. Clustering
    1. Admin API
    2. Application API
    3. Auditlog API
    4. Authentication API
    5. Cluster API
    6. Common API
    7. Content API
    8. Context API
    9. Event API
    10. Export API
    11. Grid API
    12. I18N API
    13. IO API
    14. Mail API
    15. Node API
    16. Portal API
    17. Project API
    18. Repo API
    19. Scheduler API
    20. Schema API
    21. Tasks API
    22. Value API
    23. VHost API
    24. Websocket API
  2. Audit Logs
    1. Upgrade Notes
    2. Upgrading Apps



Non-cluster upgrade

Single node deployments cannot be performed without downtime. To upgrade a single instance deployment, follow the instructions below:

  1. Stop your instance

  2. Replace your XP7 runtime image with the new XP7 image

  3. Start the instance.

Rolling Cluster upgrade

All fix upgrades (i.e. from 7.4.1 to 7.4.8), and most feature upgrades (i.e. from 7.5.x to 7.6.x) support rolling upgrades - with zero downtime.

To safely perform a rolling upgrade, perform the following steps.

WARN: Before you perform a rolling upgrade, verify that all feature version in your upgrade path (from version → to version) support rolling upgrade

  1. Upgrade only one node at a time. Wait for the node to start and join the cluster before you move on

  2. Stop, upgrade image and start your master nodes first (We always recommend using dedicated master nodes)

  3. Stop, upgrade image and start data nodes

  4. Stop, upgrade image and start remaining nodes

Full restart Cluster upgrade

Selected feature versions (i.e. when upgrading from 7.6.x to 7.7.x or 7.8.x) may require a full restart in order to guarantee no loss of data and/or state. Releases that require full restart are marked with a special warning section below.

This strategy may safely be applied to upgrading any XP cluster and/or version

Follow the steps below to complete a restart upgrade:

  1. Stop all cluster nodes

  2. Replace the xp runtime image with the new for all nodes

  3. Start all nodes in parallel

It is important to start the nodes at the same time to avoid timeouts, should any upgrade scripts be supplied with the new version.


When upgrading to new feature versions of Enonic XP, new versions of standard apps may also be available.

After upgrading XP, check for new versions of your installed applications from Enonic market. We generally always recommend updating your apps to the latest version!

v7.14 notes

  • Content Project root no longer returns 403. It now returns 404 instead. This may affect your availability if it relies on 403 status code.

v7.13 notes

  • Content Studio has to be upgraded to version 5+ to be compatible with XP 7.13. If you are using Content Studio 4.x with XP 7.13, you may experience disappearing layouts inside Page Editor.

  • Bundled JVM was upgraded to version 17. Our internal testing didn’t show any significant issues with this upgrade (except Nashorn engine removal), but we recommend testing your applications before upgrading to this version as always. Consult with JDK Migration Guide for more information about migrating from JDK 11 to JDK 17 in case you experience any issues.

  • When building applications it is recommended to specify options.release = 11 for compileJava task in Gradle build file to preserve compatibility with XP versions lower than 7.13. XP Gradle plugin version 3.4.0 does this automatically for you when systemVersion is set to 7.12.x or lower.

  • Ensure you are using the latest version of the Test Framework com.enonic.xp:testing in your Gradle project. For example, if your Test Framework dependency is defined as testImplementation "com.enonic.xp:testing:${xpVersion}" you might need to change it to testImplementation "com.enonic.xp:testing:7.13.0". Older versions may not work with JDK 17 and will cause tests to fail with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/nashorn/api/scripting/NashornScriptEngineFactory.

  • Usage of JDK 11 Nashorn engine is now deprecated and will be removed in future XP versions. Currently warning is issued for each usage: Class x.y.Z uses unsupported jdk.nashorn. Application may stop working in future XP versions. Applications must not use Nashorn engine directly, but instead use XP’s Javascript API.

  • base:media content type is now abstract - it can no longer be created directly. It was documented as abstract, but was not enforced in previous versions.

  • Content API no longer reads Page/Layout descriptors to determine regions for every fetched content. Regions are built from components array in content data. This changes the behaviour for regions with no component assigned. Rendering engine is now responsible for reconstructing unused regions from Page/Layout descriptors.

In 7.13.1 you can bring back the old deprecated behaviour making Content API inject empty regions by setting resolveEmptyRegions parameter to true in the content config
  • Server Distro Mac ARM64 bundles GraalVM 22.3.1 JDK 17 due to lack of GraalVM 22.3.2 image for Mac ARM64. Other distros are based on GraalVM 22.3.2 JDK 17

v7.12 notes

  • You need to reconfigure all Project level applications configured before version 7.12, if you have any. This is not a breaking change, as this feature was not announced in 7.11 and was not officially supported until 7.12.

  • Content API is now enforced to support only draft and master branches. Node API continues to support custom branches.

  • Content API does not allow to create/modify/delete content directly on master branch or to publish to any other branch than master.

  • Content PENDING_DELETE state is no longer in use. Content deletion no longer happens during unpublishing. Instead, content deletion forces content to be unpublished immediately.

  • Node state has been deprecated and is no longer in use, as it was only used for content’s PENDING_DELETE status.

  • Content API audit-log no longer logs system.content.update events by default. This can be changed back by setting auditlog.filter = * in content config.

  • draft branch is now restricted for unauthenticated access. By default, only system.admin.login role has access. Additional principles can be configured in portal config via draftBranchAllowedFor setting. Note that system.admin role always has access, regardless of the config.

  • Bundled GraalVM has been updated to version 22.3.1. Other JVM versions are not supported, although they may also work.

v7.11 notes

FULL RESTART REQUIRED - For security reasons, XP’s clustering engine (Hazelcast) has been updated in this release. A full restart is required in order to prevent loss of data or state.
  • Virtual application schemas may now override schema present in any installed (real) application. To prevent virtual applications from overriding schemas use application config virtual.schema.override = false or disable virtual applications completely virtual.enabled = false

  • OSGi Compendium r8 is now provided as API dependency for Java Core API. (Component, Component Annotations and CM only) This may cause some compilation errors when XP application dependency version is bumped, but should not affect existing applications in runtime.

  • Default HTML now sets utf-8 charset encoding, if controller haven’t specified charset in Content-Type This may cause broken text on pages with page templates which specify content meta tag value other than utf-8. Make sure all your page templates use UTF-8. it is also recommended to use <meta charset="utf-8"> tag on all pages.

  • TypeScript imports. As of this version, all Enonic libraries are completely rewritten in TypeScript. If you have been using TypesScript in your application, it may no longer be compiling. Importing default exports are no longer supported, and depending on your build-setup and code, you may need to change your import statements. For example:

    Old approach
    import nodeLib from '/lib/xp/node';
    New approach
    import * as nodeLib from '/lib/xp/node';

v7.10 notes

  • XP now bundles the GraalVM based JDK. We do not support running XP on other JDK except for the one bundled in the distro. Note that the default JavaScript Engine is still Nashorn.

  • Experimental support of arm64 (aarch64) based CPUs is added. You may see a WARNING message on XP startup java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can’t load library …​. It does not affect XP operations and can be ignored.

v7.9 notes

  • Portal config now specifies default Content-Security-Policy for attachments and images. It is possible to configure the header via media.contentSecurityPolicy and media.contentSecurityPolicy.svg values. Empty value disables Content-Security-Policy for attachments and images. Default value is crafted to prevent common Persistent XSS attacks.

  • Admin config now specifies default Content-Security-Policy for page preview and inline mode (used by Content Studio). It is possible to configure the header via site.preview.contentSecurityPolicy value or go back to previous behavior by setting site.preview.contentSecurityPolicy to an empty value. Default value is crafted to prevent common Persistent XSS attacks in Content Studio.

  • Certain Security headers are now specified in header filter config by default. Default value is crafted to prevent Clickjacking attacks. It may prevent some pages to work properly if they, for instance, require to be loaded from an IFrame. You can customize default headers in header filter config headerConfig value to get back to previous behaviour.

v7.8 notes

FULL RESTART REQUIRED - A new feature for archiving content has been implemented in this release. A full restart is required in order for XP to create and correctly access the /archive node.
  • Versions of Content Studio before 4.0.0 will not run on XP 7.8.0 or later.

  • params returned from HTTP Filter now replace original request params with the same names. There is no way to restore previous behavior.

  • Internal Admin Rest API was moved to respective applications. Any use of /admin/rest/* endpoints was for internal use only. It was never documented or supported for external use. We recommend implementing your own application with GraphQL/REST api as an alternative.

  • contentTypePatternMode configuration parameter has been moved to Content Studio configuration.

  • JaxRS API backend was updated to the next major release. We didn’t observe any incompatibilities, but if your application uses XP JaxRS API make sure you thoroughly test it.

  • Image Service now has memory usage constraints configured by memoryLimit parameter in Configuration Files / Image. This may cause 429 Too Many Requests HTTP responses for images, if they are not yet scaled at least once and put into disk cache.

  • XP 7.8 fixed a bug when lib-portal.getContent() would return a non-empty value in a context where no content should be returned, for example inside a responseProcessor or a service. If you didn’t have a proper check for non-empty content object returned by lib-portal.getContent(), you will have to fix your code. Please find an example of the fix below:

exports.responseProcessor = function (req, res) {
    const content = portalLib.getContent(); // This now returns null
    let contentId = req.params.contentId;
    if (!contentId) {
        contentId = content._id; // This will be not null only inside a widget
    const siteConfig = contentLib.getSiteConfig({
        key: contentId, // This code assumes contentId is never null
exports.responseProcessor = function (req, res) {
    const siteConfig = portalLib.getSiteConfig();
    if (!siteConfig) {
        return res;
    let contentId = req.params.contentId;
    if (!contentId) {
        const content = portalLib.getContent();
        if (content) {
            contentId = content._id;
    if (!contentId) {
        return res;
If you are using Siteimprove, Google Analytics or SEO Meta Fields applications, we recommend upgrading them to the latest versions (where this bug has been mitigated) before upgrading to XP 7.8.

v7.7 notes

FULL RESTART REQUIRED - For security reasons, XP’s clustering engine (Hazelcast) has been updated in this release. A full restart is required in order to prevent loss of data or state.
  • Session cookie specifies SameSite=Lax by default. It is similar to modern browsers default value except for "Lax + POST mitigation". You can revert to previous behavior by setting session.cookieSameSite = in Configuration Files / Jetty

  • Native Java primitive arrays are now converted to JavaScript arrays. You may have to adapt your application to the new behaviour if your code was using workarounds.

  • Image Service now limits maximum image size and number of filters applied. You can configure thresholds in Configuration Files / Image

  • Image Service has more eager validation of scale, filters, background and quality parameter values. Make sure the requests to Image Service use only correct/supported values.

  • Built-in Embed Macro now requires body part to be HTML escaped. In general, it should not cause issues because ContentStudio HTML editor always escapes macro body.

  • Content attachment file names can no longer contain suspicious characters. You can revert to previous behavior by setting attachments.allowUnsafeNames = true in Configuration Files / Content

  • Assets Service URL fingerprint part now uses application’s "build time" instead of application’s startup time. Make sure "build time" always changes for new versions of an application (this happens automatically if you use the standard xp build system)

  • Default Cache-Control headers for Assets Service and Portal Media Attachments have been changed. You can change default settings in Configuration Files / Portal

  • ResourceService no longer considers directories in jar as existing resources. If application code relies on checking directory existence in jar, consider checking existence of a file inside that directory instead.

  • Content integrity is verified during move operation, as it was done on create for page-template, template-folder and site built-in content types.

  • page-template content now accepts child content, but only fragment and media:*. Attachments are no longer redirected to the nearest template’s site.

  • input-type’s allow-content-type, x-data allow-content-types and newest content-type’s allow-child-content-type share the same pattern matching, that is stricter than before. You can switch back to legacy mode by setting contentTypePatternMode = LEGACY in Configuration Files / Admin for allow-content-type and allow-content-types, but it won’t affect allow-child-content-type pattern matching.

v7.6 notes

  • Named tasks do not necessarily execute on the node they were submitted on anymore. Instead, a random node capable to run a task is selected and task gets executed there. Make sure your named tasks do not require a specific node to be run on. Follow the Tasks / Distributable for more information.

  • XP does not proxy requests anymore, meaning that browser should have access to URL can be changed in Configuration Files / Market.

v7.5 notes

v7.5 is backward compatible with earlier versions

v7.4 notes

v7.4 is backward compatible with earlier versions, but if you run XP on a cluster, several configurations need to change for the nodes to get in touch with each other after the upgrade. Please do the following:

  • Create the configuration files com.enonic.xp.hazelcast.cfg and com.enonic.xp.web.sessionstore.cfg and consider the values in them as described in Configuration Files / Hazelcast and Configuration Files / SessionStore.

  • Open port 5701 between the nodes in the network. This port is used by Hazelcast for internal communication in the cluster. An alternate port may be chosen by setting network.port. If using Docker, the port needs to be opened both in the network and in the docker-compose.yml container definition.

  • Evaluate the minimum required number of nodes in a cluster. system.hazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size is by default set to 2. During start-up, events, tasks and sessions will not be communicated between nodes in the cluster until the minimum number of nodes have signed in. For large clusters, this is an important setting. We recommend setting it to nodes/2 + 1, so for instance, in a cluster of six nodes, the value should be 4.

  • Distributed Sessions are off by default. Enable them by setting storeMode to replicated in the sessionStore config, if desired.

v7.3 notes

v7.3 is backward compatible with earlier versions, but includes fixes that may affect your existing deployments.

Changed GIF handling

The image service has been partly broken when processing GIF files. As of 7.3, GIFs are always returned as original files (unprocessed, similar to how SVGs are handled). This means GIFs will no longer be cropped, and always work as expected if they contain animations/videos. Animated GIFs are the most common usage of GIF files today.

Ignite removed

Ignite (grid memory component) has been part of the XP core for testing purposes, disabled by default. It has now been removed from the XP core. Unless you have enabled Ignite for testing purposes, this will not affect your deployment. Also, all Ignite configuration files and options can now safely be removed.

Content projects

XP 7.3 introduces the ability to create isolated content repositories. If you have many sites in your current deployment, consider moving your sites into separate projects.

New docker image

A new, improved and properly documented version of our XP7 Docker image is now available. The documentation also describes how to upgrade from the old image.

v7.2 notes

v7.2 is fully backward compatible with v7.1 and v7.0.

This version includes new "Audit logger" feature that requires a new repository. The repository will be created automatically during the upgrade process.

v7.1 notes

v7.1 is fully backward compatible with v7.0.

Upgrading to v7.0


This guide focuses on completing an upgrade with zero downtime, and requires you to set up production environment on XP7 in parallel with existing 6.15 environment. Carefully follow the below steps to upgrade your instance:

For scenarios where downtime cannot be avoided, additional steps, such as setting up a temporary "we are upgrading page", will be required:

Before starting the upgrade process, ensure the following requirements are in place

XP Version

You need to be running at least Enonic XP 6.15.x (if you are running an older version, upgrade to 6.15.x first)

QA environment

Ensure you have a QA environment where you can perform a test upgrade first (highly recommended)


Ensure you have 6.15 Toolbox available

Enonic CLI

Make sure you have Enonic CLI installed

Disk space

Verify you have enough disk space to facilitate a complete dump of all existing data

3rd party apps

Verify that all (if any) 3rd party applications in use are upgraded to support XP 7.

Custom apps

Make sure all custom built applications have been upgraded to support XP 7, as described in Upgrading Applications

1. Install XP 7

We recommend setting up a new production environment for XP 7, running in parallel with your XP 6 environment. This will virtually eliminate downtime, and also be a safety net, should the upgrade fail somehow.

Follow the XP installation instructions to set up an instance matching your requirements

File deployments

If you have one or more applications deployed as files, replace them with their respective XP 7 versions

Vhost config

Vhost configuration has changed:

  • /app has been renamed to /webapp

  • /portal has been renamed to /site

  • Repository name is added before the branch in site URL, ie /site/default/draft

  • userStore has been renamed to idProvider

  • idProvider config format is new

Update your vhost config file as follows:

Before =
mapping.intranet.source = / = /portal/master/mysite
mapping.intranet.userStore = myProvider =
mapping.myapp.source = / = /app/com.example.myapp
mapping.myapp.userStore = system
After =
mapping.intranet.source = / = /site/default/master/mysite
mapping.intranet.idProvider.myProvider = default =
mapping.myapp.source = / = /webapp/com.example.myapp
mapping.admin.idProvider.system = default

Port mappings

In XP 7 /status and /api have been moved to separate dedicated ports: 2609 and 4848 respectively.

Consider how this affects your monitoring and how to expose management API internally.

In com.enonic.xp.web.jetty.cfg http.port is replaced with http.xp.port, and http.monitor.port.

Elastic Search discovery

If specifying discovery.unicast.sockets in ES configuration: "ip[port]" is now "ip:port"

discovery.unicast.sockets =[9300]

discovery.unicast.sockets =

Other configuration

Migrate other configuration files from 6.15, including custom configurations (app config etc.).

Start servers

Start your new servers and verify everything is working properly

2. Dump data

We are now ready to dump data from our existing 6.15 instance. Do with the 6.15 toolbox: dump -t mydump -a user:password --skip-versions

We highly recommend dumping data without versions. This will dramatically speed up the upgrade while also preparing your dataset for the new vacuuming features in XP 7.

3. Upgrade and Load

Move dump

Transfer dump files from previous step to the new instance. For clustered environments, any server will do.


Toolbox has been removed from XP 7 and replaced by Enonic CLI.

Upgrade dump

Before we can load the dump, we need to upgrade the data to support XP 7:

enonic dump upgrade
Load dump

Now, load the dump into your XP 7 environment i.e.

enonic dump load
Don’t worry about the command losing connection, this is only related to the system repo (and user) being removed during the operation. Watch the log for progress.

4. Install Content studio

Content Studio is no longer part of the XP core distribution. Content Studio is now available as an application on Enonic Market. Documentation for Content Studio can be found here.

5. Update apps

All installed applications must be updated to latest versions compatible with XP 7.

Market apps

For market apps, go to the Applications tool, click "Install" in the menu and click "Upgrade" button for all applications where upgrade is available.

Custom apps

Install XP 7 compatible versions of your custom applications either through the "Install App" UI or by using CLI.

6. Validate

Validate that your new installation is working as expected. We recommend checking logs, and performing live tests on services.

7. Go live

With all lights green, simply redirect all traffic from your old XP 6 servers to the upgraded XP 7 environment.

Welcome to the XP 7 club!

