

Content can be created, edited, deleted, duplicated, moved, sorted and published. Depending on permissions, users may perform those actions on selected content items.


The New action will launch the New Content dialog.

There are three ways to open the New Content dialog in the Content Studio:

  • The first method is with the shortcut — alt + n;

  • By clicking the New button in the toolbar;

  • By clicking New in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.

dialog new
The content dialog will use the context of the selected content to create the new item. If no context is set, the item will be created on the root level.

New by Type

The dialog lets you choose from available content types, based on the context of the selected item.

  • Select from the list of all content types;

  • Select from the "Most Popular" list (most used content types in your current context);

  • Select from the "Recently Used" list (based on users recent actions).

To filter the list of items — simply start typing on your keyboard to filter the list of available content types.
dialog new search

Once a content type is selected, a new item is created, and the content editor is launched in a new tab.

New by Uploading

Create file-based content aka "media" from the new content dialog by uploading. There are two ways to upload files:

  • Click the upload icon placed in the top right of the dialog;

  • Drag’n drop — also supports bulk uploading.

dialog new media
When uploading files, the underlying content type is automatically detected from the file type file uploaded.


The Edit action will open the Content Wizard for editing selected content items in a new tab. If multiple items are selected, then the action will open a browser tab for each one.

There are four ways to open content for edit in the Content Studio:

  • The first method is with the shortcut — ⌘ + e (ctrl + e for Windows);

  • By clicking the Edit button in the toolbar;

  • By double-clicking the item in the grid;

  • By clicking Edit in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.


The Delete action will open the Delete item(s) dialog for the selected content.

There are three ways to open the Delete item(s) dialog in the Content Studio:

  • The first method is with the shortcut — ⌘ + del (ctrl + del for Windows);

  • By clicking the Delete button in the toolbar;

  • By clicking Delete in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.

Deleting offline items

If selected content is offline (status "New" or "Unpublished"), it will be deleted instantly right after you confirm your action.

dialog delete new

If you are about to delete a site or more than one item, the "Delete Now" button will show the total number of items to be deleted, including children.

Before the content is deleted, you will be asked to confirm your action by entering the total number of items to delete.
dialog delete confirm

Deleting online items

If you try to delete content that is currently online (status "Published" or "Modified"), "Delete Now" button will turn into a menu button with "Mark as Deleted" action in the dropdown.

Delete published content

When "Mark as Deleted" is clicked, all offline content will be instantly deleted, but online content will change the status to "Marked for deletion". To remove such items completely, they must be published.

To restore items marked as deleted to their previous status, select them and click the Undo delete button in the toolbar.

dialog delete undo

Standard content management actions (like editing, moving, duplicating etc.) are not available for items marked as deleted, you have to undelete them first.

Deleting from the wizard

When the Delete button is clicked from inside the Content Wizard, only the current item will be selected in the dialog.


The Duplicate action will launch the Duplicate content dialog for the selected content.

There are two ways to open the Delete item(s) dialog in the Content Studio:

  • By clicking the Duplicate button in the toolbar;

  • By clicking Duplicate in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.

In the dialog, you can choose whether child items of selected content(s) should also be duplicated or not by pressing the tree icon to the left of the content. Pressing the "Duplicate" button in the dialog will trigger the duplicate operation which will be visualized by a progress bar if the process is taking more than a few seconds. Duplicates will get a new id and path names will be postfixed with -copy or -copy-* with a number instead of an asterisk starting with 2 if it is not the first copy.

dialog duplicate

Duplicating from the wizard

When the Duplicate button is clicked from inside the Content Wizard, only the current item will be selected in the dialog.


The Move action will launch the Move item(s) with children dialog for the selected content.

There are two ways to open this dialog in the Content Studio:

  • By clicking the Move button in the toolbar;

  • By clicking Move in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.

This feature moves selected items with all children and current permissions to another place in the tree grid. Type to search, or use the dropdown arrow, to find the new parent content where the selected items will be moved to. If the Move button in the dialog is clicked without choosing a parent content then the items will be moved to the root of the content tree.

Content cannot be moved to a location where another content already exists with the same path name.

dialog move


The Sort action will launch the Sort items dialog for the selected content.

There are two ways to open this dialog in the Content Studio:

  • By clicking the Sort button in the toolbar;

  • By clicking Sort in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.

Child items of any content can be sorted in a number of ways through the Sort items dialog.

The default sorting is by the Modified date in descending order.

You can sort items in ascending or descending order by Modified date, Created date, Display name or Publish date. Children can also be manually sorted by simply dragging them in the Sort items dialog.

dialog sort

Once items are sorted, the parent content will have an arrow in the browse view tree grid pointed up or down to denote ascending or descending. If the content is manually sorted, an icon with three horizontal bars will appear.

Clicking the bars or arrow icon will open the Sort items dialog.

In the image below, the /folder-copy is sorted by Display name in ascending order, /folder-copy-2 is sorted by Published date in ascending order, and the /folder-copy-3 has manual sorting.

dialog sort grid


The Preview action will open and render a selected Site or Page in the new tab.

There are two ways to open this dialog in the Content Studio:

  • By clicking the Preview button in the toolbar;

  • By clicking Preview in the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item.


Publishing is a simple but important concept for working with content in Enonic XP. The basic concept of publishing is that it makes content viewable to others outside of the Content Studio.

The Publish action will launch the Publishing Wizard dialog for the selected content.

There are three ways to open the Publishing Wizard dialog in the Content Studio:

  • Via keyboard shortcut — ⌘ + alt + p (ctrl + alt + p for Windows)

  • By using the Publish button in the toolbar

  • By right-clicking an item in the Content grid and selecting Publish from the context menu

dialog publish button

The Publish button in the toolbar has a dropdown menu with various actions for currently selected item(s).

  • Mark as ready (only for content in progress) will mark selected item(s) as ready

  • Publish will open the Publishing dialog for the selected item(s)

  • Publish Tree will open the same dialog but will include all the selected items' children and dependencies

  • Unpublish (available only for published item(s)) will open the Unpublish dialog

  • Request Publishing (available only for unpublished item(s))

  • Create Task will open the New Task dialog.

Default action of the toolbar button is always the first available action from the dropdown menu.

Draft and master branches

Content created in the Content Studio will originally be created in the draft branch with status New and workflow state In progress. This content in the draft branch can be edited and previewed until it is ready to be Published. Every time a content is saved with changes, a new version is created.

When a content is published, the active version is copied from the draft branch to the master branch. Only content in the master branch can be accessed by users outside of the Content Studio, subject to the contents security settings.

Content status

Published content will have the status Published while content that has not yet been published will show either as New (if it has never been published) or Unpublished (if it was published and then unpublished). When changes to a published content are saved, the new version becomes the active version in the draft branch, but the active version in the master branch remains unchanged. The status of the new active version will be modified and this content will have to be published again for the changes to go online. In other words, each publishing operations overwrites the active version in the master branch with the active version from the draft branch.

A published content can either be instantly deleted or marked as deleted in the Delete dialog. Upon instant deletion the content will be instantly removed from both the draft and the master branches, making it inaccessible online. However, items marked as deleted will be shown with status Marked for deletion in the Content Studio but will remain visible online. Such items must either be published in order to delete them from both branches, or you can use "Undo delete" action to remove the "Marked for deletion" mark.

Publishing wizard

Content is published through the Publishing Wizard dialog. When a content is selected for publishing, its parents and all the related content will be published along with it. For example, in the image below, a content named "March madness" was selected for publishing. This post has two related Category content items (/parent and /parent/first-child-category) and one related Author item (/authors/michael-lazell). Therefore, these two categories and the author are automatically included in the list of items to be published, and all the ascendants of the dependent items will also be included.

publishing wizard 1

The Calendar icon next to the "Publish Now" button enables Scheduled Publishing of the selected content.

Total number of items that will be published is displayed on the Publish Now button.
If current user is missing publishing permissions for selected item(s), the "Publish All" button will be replaced with "Request Publishing" (read more about publish requests here).

Publish Tree

If the selected content has children then these items can be automatically included by clicking the tree icon to the left of the content. As you can see from the picture below, clicking the icon has added add all descendants of the originally selected content to the publishing list and the number on the "Publish Now" button has increased from 9 to 15.

publishing wizard 2
You can use "x" icon on the right-hand side to exclude items from publishing. Sometimes this icon is disabled, this means that the item cannot be excluded, either because it’s a dependency required for publishing of the originally selected item(s), or it has its children in the list (and child items cannot be published without publishing all of their ascendants). In the latter case, start excluding children first, then parents will be allowed to be excluded as well.


Content Studio has a built-in validation which ensures that invalid items or items that are still "work in progress" cannot be published.

publishing wizard exclude

If the list of items to be published contains invalid items or items that are in "In progress" workflow state, they will be shown on top of the list and validation notification will be shown on top of the dialog. The "Publish Now" button will then be disabled. If the problematic items don’t have to be published, you can use "Exclude all" links to remove these items from the list.

In the case of "Work in progress" items, the Publishing Wizard will give you an option to mark all such items as "Ready for Publishing".

publishing wizard mark as ready

Once all the problematic items are either removed or moved from "In progress" to "Ready", the "Publish Now" button will automatically become enabled.

Scheduled publishing

The Calendar icon in the Publishing Wizard dialog will open a section on top of the dialog where you can schedule the period of time when the content should be online. "Publish Now" button will then change its label to "Schedule".

publishing wizard schedule
Only offline items will be scheduled. All other changes will be published immediately.

Publishing from the Content Wizard

When the Publish button is clicked from inside the Content Wizard, only the currently opened item will be selected in the dialog.


Currently published content can be taken offline with the "Unpublish" feature. All the content’s descendants will be listed and unpublished along with the selected content. The total number of content items that will be taken offline will appear on the red Unpublish button at the bottom of the dialog.

There are two ways to open this dialog in the Content Studio:

  • By clicking the Unpublish option button in the toolbar (it will replace the Publish button for the published content, otherwise it can be found in the publish menu dropdown, next to the Publish button);

  • By selecting Unpublish from the context menu, which is accessible by right-clicking an item, where it will replace Publish option for the published content.

Unpublishing a published content that is marked for deletion will first take it offline and then delete it.

dialog unpublish
Just like with deletion, you will be asked to confirm the Unpublish action by entering the total number of items to be unpublished.

Create Issue

In-depth reference on the issues can be found in the separate chapter.

Request Publishing

This action will replace "Publish" for a user that doesn’t have sufficient publishing permissions for a content item.

In-depth reference on the publish requests can be found here.

