
Enonic is a highly flexible CMS, capable of delivering content in many ways. In this chapter we will focus on delivery via the out-of-the-box GraphQL API.

Now that we’ve created some content, let’s see how we can access and use it in via API - headless style.


Introducing Guillotine, the app that’s responsible for automatically generating a GraphQL APIs for your content.

Guillotine should be pre-installed based on the Essentials template you used when setting up your sandbox. It is available on Enonic Market, and may also be installed manually.

Query playground

Back in Content Studio, you should now have access to a new item called Query Playground in the left green widget sidebar. Open it, and you should see this:

API browser integrated in Content Studio

Query playground is an interactive GraphQL API explorer. You enter your query in the text area to your left and when you execute it, you’ll get the results of the query on the other side of the screen.

GraphQL is a graph "query language". It allows you to create highly specific queries for exactly the content that you need (visit the official GraphQL docs to learn more).

As an example on how to retrieve some minimal info about your previously created artists, run the following query:

  guillotine {
    getChildren(key:"/artists") {

After running, you should get something like this on the right area:

Query playground response of running mimimal query to retrieve artists
Figure 1. Results of running the suggested query


Before trying to come up with complex queries, let’s make familiarize ourselves with Query Playground.

Icon Description Shortcuts
Query playground play button

Play - Execute your query


Query playground prettify button

Prettify - Format your query, removing comments and unecessary spaces / indentation


Query playground merge button

Merge fragments - Rewrites your query based on the declared fragments


Query playground copy button

Copy - Copy your query to your clipboard.


Query playground docs button

Docs - Show the API documentation

Query playground history button

History - Shows all previously executed queries

Query playground tab button

Tab - Creates new tabs for you to manage testing multiple queries

Query playground re-fetch button

Re-fetch schema - Reloads your GraphQL schemas based on recent changes

Query playground shortkeys button

Shortkeys - Displays all short keys that can be used in Query Playground

Query playground settings button

Settings - Opens settings dialog

Query playground draft and master buttons

Draft / master toggle_ - Switch between querying draft or master branch (published items)


Now, locate and click on the docs button. On this opened section you have detailed info about all schemas available on your project.

On the top search bar in the docs section, search for artist and locate the com_example_myproject_Artist schema:

Query playground docs section showing the details of com_example_myproject_Artist schema
Figure 2. The Artist schema

Note that it’s said that the Artist schema implements the Content schema. This basically means that the Artist schema will have the structure defined by the Content schema, together with possibly some additional structure…​ in this case, that additional structure is a data field, defined by com_example_myproject_Artist_Data schema:

Query playground docs sections showing the details of com_example_myproject_Artist_Data schema
Figure 3. The Artist data schema
Note that this matches the structure defined by the Artist content type, which is a natural thing to expect.

Querying with inline fragments

We’ve used the Docs section to inspect the structure of the Artist schema. Let’s now, based on a broader understanding of this schema, we’ll query to get proper data from artists.

Close the docs section, head back to the text area to edit your query and remove displayName, _path and _id from the query we introduced earlier.

Now, with your cursor on the inner curly braces of the query, press ctrl+space to get a list of suggestions about what fields you can request on your query:

Query playground query section showing suggested fields for content schema

As can be seen, we do not have the artist name and about fields available, and the reason for that is because the getChildren field can return any content that implements the Content schema, but it can’t directly infer what schema that is, which in this case is the com_example_myproject_Artist schema:

Query playground getChildren can’t directly infer what schema is implementing Content schema
Figure 4. getChildren can’t directly infer what schema is implementing Content schema

So to proceed, we use inline fragments:

  guillotine {
    getChildren(key: "/artists") {
      ... on com_example_myproject_Artist {
        data {

With this, we basically built a query that understands that under "/artists" path we have content types of Artist, and based on this we can request general content data, such as _id, but also specific content data, such as the artist name and about:

Query playground query returning artists content together with its name and about data
Figure 5. Getting specific data of artists

Query with dataAsJson

If you don’t need or care about types when creating your queries, you can ignore the previously presented inline fragment approach and use the field dataAsJson:

  guillotine {
    getChildren(key: "/artists") {
Query playground query returning artists content together with is name and about data - using dataAsJson field
Figure 6. Getting all data using dataAsJson

Advanced queries

We’ll now introduce and show examples of usages of different fields underneath the guillotine field, that allow us to search the system for specific data.


There is a queryDsl field underneath guillotine which allows you to search the system for what you want (the "Dsl" stands for "Domain Specific Language").

The syntax is based on two types of operators: Expressions and Compound.


Used to check particular fields for various native and analysed values.


Used to logically combine various expressions and compounds to fetch nodes based on complex conditions.

In order to exemplify this field usage on some queries, we’ll query on the data set we’ve created so far on in this guide:

A Guillotine query using some of the arguments mentioned.
  guillotine {
      query: {
        term: {
          field: "type",
          value: {
            string: "com.example.myapp:artist"
      first: 1,
      sort: {
        field: "displayName",
        direction: DESC
    ) {

Note that this query is getting the last artist that is alphabetically sorted by name, regardless of where the content type is located in the tree structure.

The following GraphQL query uses the n-gram functionality to find all the artists that have a term (part of a text) that starts with rap somewhere in their data:

A Guillotine query using nGram search functionality
  guillotine {
      query: {
        boolean: {
          must: [
              term: {
                field: "type",
                value: {
                  string: "com.example.myapp:artist"
              ngram: {
                fields: ["_allText"],
                query: "rap"
      sort: {
        field: "displayName",
        direction: DESC
    ) {

Naturally, you can also use the standard boolean operators to combine or negate clauses. If you wanted to find all artists that mention both rapping and singing, you could try a query like this:

Querying for artists who both rap and sing
  guillotine {
      query: {
        boolean: {
          must: [
              term: {
                field: "type",
                value: {
                  string: "com.example.myapp:artist"
              ngram: {
                fields: "data.about"
                query: "rap sing"
                operator: AND
      sort: {
        field: "displayName",
        direction: DESC
    ) {
If you’ve previously used Elasticsearch API to query data, you’ll be quite familiar with how queryDsl works!
To learn more about queryDSL capabilities, visit the DSL reference


Just like there is a queryDsl field underneath guillotine, the API also provides other fields such as queryDslConnection.

We’ll not go into much details, but basically, the fields with connection in their name have new parameters for aggregating and paginating data.

To finish this chapter, we’ll add a new birthyear field to the artist content type, update all artist to have data on this field, and then use queryDslConnection field to get aggregated data. Let’s get to work!

  1. Start by updating the Artist content type to the following structure:

  <description>Information about an artist</description>

    <input name="name" type="TextLine">
        The artist's name (if different from their professional moniker).

    <input type="TextArea" name="about">
      <label>About the artist</label>

    <input type="Date" name="birthday" >

If are not running the project in dev mode (enonic project dev introduced in the previous $chapter), make sure to run enonic project deploy in the terminal on the project’s root directory
  1. Update each of the previously created artists with the following dates:

    • P!nk: 1979-09-08

    • Missy Elliot: 1971-07-01

    • Cardi B: 1992-10-11

  2. Go back to Query playground and click on the re-fetch schema button. This will update the Artist data schema to contain the birthday structure, which is in sync with the Artist content type structure

  3. Run the following query on the playground:

      guillotine {
          query: {
            boolean: {
              must: {
                term: {
                  field: "type"
                  value: {
                    string: "com.example.myapp:artist"
                exists: {
                  field: "data.birthday"
          aggregations: {
            name: "generationsAggregation"
            dateRange: {
              field: "data.birthday"
              ranges: [
                  key: "The Greatest Generation"
                  from: "1901"
                  to: "1927"
                  key: "The Silent Generation"
                  from: "1928"
                  to: "1945"
                  key: "The Baby Boomer Generation"
                  from: "1946"
                  to: "1964"
                  key: "Generation X"
                  from: "1965"
                  to: "1980"
                  key: "Millennials"
                  from: "1981"
                  to: "1996"
                  key: "Generation Z"
                  from: "1997"
                  to: "2012"
                  key: "Gen Alpha"
                  from: "2013"
                  to: "2025"

And this are the results

  "data": {
    "guillotine": {
      "queryDslConnection": {
        "aggregationsAsJson": {
          "generationsAggregation": {
            "buckets": [
                "key": "The Greatest Generation",
                "docCount": 0,
                "from": "1901-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "1927-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                "key": "The Silent Generation",
                "docCount": 0,
                "from": "1928-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "1945-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                "key": "The Baby Boomer Generation",
                "docCount": 0,
                "from": "1946-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "1964-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                "key": "Generation X",
                "docCount": 2,
                "from": "1965-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "1980-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                "key": "Millennials",
                "docCount": 1,
                "from": "1981-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "1996-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                "key": "Generation Z",
                "docCount": 0,
                "from": "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "2012-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                "key": "Gen Alpha",
                "docCount": 0,
                "from": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "to": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Which shows that two of those artists are from Generation X, and one of them is a Millenial.

Dive deeper


In this chapter you’ve learned about the Guillotine app and its API. Next up let’s have a look at how XP deals with files (aka media).



AI-powered search

Juke AI