Hello React4XP


Render your first React4XP page

Add to site

In a few steps we connect the application to the Headless Movie DB, and should be rewarded gloriously.

  1. Visit localhost:8080/admin. Log in to XP and open Content Studio.

  2. The "Headless Movie Database" project should automatically be selected

  3. Select the root item in the tree structure, and you should see something like this:


  4. Click btn:[Edit], and connect the React4xp app to the site.

    add to site

    After saving, the preview should change to something like this:


Request handling

So, what actually happened here?

The app runs on top of XP’s site engine. By adding the application to the site, it is injected into the request pipeline - where it basically hijacks the rendering.

These are the main files involved:

-> site/dataFetcher.ts (Map of data processors)
 -> site/helloProcessor.ts (props for the Hello component)
 -> react4xp/entries/App.tsx (React entry)
  -> react4xp/componentRegistry.tsx (R4XP component list)
   -> react4xp/components/Hello.tsx (Welcome page)

Below we backtrack what happened:

Hello component

The Hello component that rendered the actual page is very simple:

import type { HelloProps } from '/types/HelloProps';
import * as React from 'react';

export const Hello = ({ title, text }: HelloProps) => {
	return (

It takes a single parameter, HelloProps. The type is declared like this:

export interface HelloProps {
	title: string
	text: string

The component is rendered because it has been added to the componentRegistry:

import * as React from 'react';
import { ComponentRegistry } from '@enonic/react-components';
import { Hello } from './components/Hello';
import { Person } from './components/Person';

export const componentRegistry = new ComponentRegistry;
componentRegistry.addContentType('portal:site', { View: Hello }); (1)
componentRegistry.addContentType('com.enonic.app.hmdb:person', { View: Person }); (2)
1 The Hello component is mapped to the content type portal:site, which means it will be executed when the URL matches a site.
Try clicking other content items in Content Studio, and you should simply see an error message.


The responsiblity of HelloProcessor is to produce the props required by a component. A processor may also intercept the request, for instance by producing a redirect.

import type { Content } from '@enonic-types/lib-content';
import type { ContentTypeProcessorFunction } from '@enonic-types/lib-react4xp/DataFetcher';

type MyType = ContentTypeProcessorFunction<Content<Record<string, unknown>>>

export const helloProcessor: MyType = (params) => {
	// log.info('helloProcessor params:%s', toStr(params));
	return {
		props: /*<HelloProps>*/{
			title: `React4XP: ${params.content.displayName}`,
			text: 'Welcome to the React4XP starter!',

Similar to a component, a processor is invoked because it is registered in the dataProcessor:

import { DataFetcher } from '/lib/enonic/react4xp';
import { helloProcessor } from './components/HelloProcessor';
import { personProcessor } from './components/PersonProcessor';

export const dataFetcher = new DataFetcher();
dataFetcher.addContentType('portal:site', { processor: helloProcessor }); (1)
dataFetcher.addContentType('com.enonic.app.hmdb:person', { processor: personProcessor });

That is basically it. Throughout the tutorial, you'll be using this extensively.

TIP: Dive deeper into this topic by visiting the <<appendix/controller#, app controller appendix>>.

== Next

Great, you rendered your first page, next up how about <<person#, adding your own components>>.



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