    1. Widgets
    1. ID providers
    2. System ID provider
    3. Users and groups
    4. Roles
    1. Projects
    2. Layers
        1. AttachmentUploader
        2. Checkbox
        3. Combobox
        4. ContentSelector
        5. ContentTypeFilter
        6. CustomSelector
        7. Date
        8. DateTime
        9. Double
        10. GeoPoint
        11. HtmlArea
        12. ImageSelector
        13. Long
        14. MediaSelector
        15. Radiobutton
        16. Tag
        17. TextArea
        18. TextLine
        19. Time
      1. Field set
      2. Item set
      3. Option set
      4. Mixins
      5. Localization
    3. Content Types
    4. X-data
    5. Macros
    6. Custom styles
    7. Sites
      1. Regions
      2. Part component
      3. Layout component
      4. Text component
      5. Fragments
      6. Filtering
      7. Component indexing
      8. Visual editor
    8. Page templates
  1. Applications
    1. Sandboxes
    2. Code
    3. Building
    4. Configuration
    5. TypeScript
      1. Controllers
      2. Globals
      3. HTTP
      4. Events
      5. Error handler
      6. Filters
      7. ID provider
      8. Tasks
      9. Templating
      10. Localization
      11. Websocket
      12. Mappings
      13. Components
      14. Processors
      15. Contributions
      16. Main controller
      17. Java bridge
      1. Admin API
      2. Application API
      3. Auditlog API
      4. Authentication API
      5. Cluster API
      6. Common API
      7. Content API
      8. Context API
      9. Event API
      10. Export API
      11. Grid API
      12. I18N API
      13. IO API
      14. Mail API
      15. Node API
      16. Portal API
      17. Project API
      18. Repo API
      19. Scheduler API
      20. Schema API
      21. Tasks API
      22. Value API
      23. VHost API
      24. Websocket API
      1. Webapp Engine
        1. Image service
        2. Component service
      2. Admin Engine
      3. Asset service
      4. HTTP service
      5. IDprovider service
    1. Task engine
    2. Management Endpoint
    3. Statistics Endpoint
    1. Nodes and repos
    2. Properties
    3. Indexing
    4. Branches
    5. Queries (NoQL)
    6. Queries (DSL)
    7. Filters
    8. Aggregations
    9. Highlighting
    10. Editors
    1. Strategies
    2. Distributions
    3. Docker image
    4. Vhosts
    5. Configuration
    6. Backup & restore
    7. Systemd
    8. Clustering
  2. Audit Logs
    1. Upgrade Notes
    2. Upgrading Apps

Content Validators

XP XP 7.8.0 7.8.0


XP by default validates newly created and modified content: - name and displayName not empty - Data for form elements is in accordance with Forms

It is also possible to provide custom validators for existing content.


In order to validate Content, create an OSGi component with com.enonic.xp.content.ContentValidator type

public class CustomValidator
    implements ContentValidator
    public boolean supports( ContentTypeName contentType )
        // return true, if validator should validate content with provided content type.
        // If method is not provided, it is assumed that validator can validate any content.
        return contentType.equals( ContentTypeName.from( "" ) );

    public void validate( ContentValidatorParams params, ValidationErrors.Builder builder )
        // Every time supported content gets created or modified, validate method is called
        // Found Validation errors should be added into builder
        if ( !params.getData().getString( "field" ).startsWith( "CODE-" ) )
            builder.add( ValidationError.dataError( ValidationErrorCode.from( ApplicationKey.from( "" ), "custom.invalid" ),
                                                    PropertyPath.from( "field" ) ).message( "field must start with CODE-" ).build() );



There are three types of validation errors:

  • ValidationError - a general error of content

  • DataValidationError - an error connected to content data

  • AttachmentValidationError - an error connected to content attachment

Here is an example of a general message builder:

        .generalError( ValidationErrorCode.from( ApplicationKey.from( "" ), "custom.invalid" ) )
        .i18n( "" )
        .message( "{0} is not a dog" )
        .args( "cat" )

Validation error must be identified with ValidationErrorCode, that consists of ApplicationKey and code string. ApplicationKey can be used to identify Localization bundle for the error message.

i18n field defines i18n key and can be used to identify a message key in Localization bundle.

Applications like ContentStudio use ValidationErrorCode as a fallback to guess i18n key, for instance if ValidationErrorCode is fallback i18n for it is

It is also possible to provide an inline error message via message field.

The arguments provided via args field are used to format both inline message and i18n message.

Arguments have specific conversion rules:

  • null is kept as is

  • Number type value is kept as is

  • Date type value is converted to milliseconds since epoch and stored as Number

  • Anything else converted to String via toString method

AttachmentValidationError removed automatically from modified content when attachment it is referring to is removed.

AI-powered search

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